About Course
This self-paced online course is designed for steelpan players of all levels who want to enhance their live performance skills. Students will learn the art of stage presence, engaging with the audience, and conquering stage fright. Through practical exercises and instructional modules, participants will gain the confidence and skills needed to captivate audiences with their steelpan performances.
Participants can progress through the lessons at their own pace, taking the time to practice and apply the concepts presented in each section. They can revisit lessons and reference course materials as needed to reinforce their skills and confidence in steelpan performance and stage presence.
Course Content
Module 1: Introduction to Live Performance
02:33 -
The Importance of Live Performance
02:36 -
Setting Personal Performance Goals
02:44 -
Mahalia Thomas Arrangement of Savannah Grass by Kes Played by Arima All Stars
00:00 -
Quiz 1: Introduction to Live Performance